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found 4 articles
Name and surname of the doctoral student : Jan Nowak
Name and surname of the doctoral student Jan Nowak
Type of procedure doktorskie
Science field Dziedzina nauk technicznych
Discipline Inżynieria chemiczna
Dissertation topic


Date of initiation of the proceedings 2021-11-01
Proceedings Status in progress

Invite message

In connection with the launch of the new Public Information Bulletin of the ..., we would like to inform you that some of the information on the new website is directed to old resources. The transfer of data and the launch of subsequent areas will take place successively. Thank you for your understanding.

resolution no : 1/2021
resolution no 1/2021
what authority of the University Council
regarding opinion on the ..........
resolution status valid
resolution no : 2/2021
resolution no 2/2021
what authority of the University Council
change resolution no dff sfdf sdfdfs
resolution status valid